17,358 lbs. of emissions saved!
At Advanced UK, we're demonstrating our commitment to the environment, and we're helping our clients take positive steps to implement positive and effective change. It's time to act! In this blog series, our own environmental evangelist, Humperdinck Jackman, explores a range of technologies and services which Advanced UK has launched to contribute to a better future for us all.
We're so proud of our customer help desk here at Advanced UK, because last year they handled 2,775 support tickets, and fixed 41% of them remotely!
So our Sales Director, Joe Gallagher got together with Humperdinck (our environmental campaigner) and they plugged in the numbers. It started with 1,137 incidents not requiring an engineer to travel by car, and then we used the most conservative estimate for distance travelled: thirty miles, round trip. The result: 34,110 car miles saved!
Next, we took the emissions of a typical company car (fuel efficient, 2017, eco start/stop etc.) and then referenced the Carbon Footprint Calculator to discover the result: 7.89 metric tonnes of CO2 emissions were avoided thanks to our brilliant help desk!
For those unfamiliar with a 'Metric Tonne', when converted into pounds, that's a staggering 17,358 lbs. of pollutants people aren't breathing. Now that's something to shout about.
Advanced-UK + Xerox
Advanced-UK is the original Xerox Platinum Partner, and throughout our thirty-year history, we've been innovators all the way. Our support app is unique, and our support team have proven themselves more than a match for any manufacturer out there.
Of course we are helped by Xerox investing so massively in R&D: our app sits on the Xerox ConnectKey ecosystem, which turns every multifunctional printer into a smart device. This, in turn, report to our help desk, the very fault code, machine, location and much more so that it's often the case that we're fixing machines before our users even realised there was a problem.
Advanced-UK is here to support you
At Advanced-UK, we have the pan-European experience to deliver and support the most sophisticated MFP fleets, and we'd be pleased to to help you explore these latest innovations.
Call Advanced UK on 01895 811811
There's more in our Artificial Intelligence series - have you read:

⏱ 5 Second Summary
2020 & THE ENVIRONMENT: it's time to act, but how?
At Advanced UK, we're committed to the environment, and we're helping our clients take positive steps to implement positive and effective change.
In this blog series, our own environmental evangelist, Humperdinck Jackman, explores a range of technologies and services which Advanced UK has launched to contribute to a better future for us all.
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Humperdinck Jackman
Director of Consulting Services
Humperdinck has a 30-year career spanning Document Management Systems (DMS), data protection, Artificial Intelligence, Data Protection and Robotic Process Automation. With many articles published in print internationally, he believes the advances in office technology are such that we're entering the 4th Industrial Revolution. Now Director of Marketing and Consulting Services at Advanced UK, he's as active with clients as he is in endeavouring to write original blog articles.